Southborough: 01892 546000
Pembury: 01892 487174
Dacre House Veterinary Clinic
For the care your pet deserves
Price guide

At Dacre House we aim to keep our pricing fair.

We believe we offer a high standard of veterinary care at reasonable cost. We understand that pricing transparency is important to our pet owners and we produce itemised invoices and receipts for the treatments we provide. Many of our standard charges are listed here and estimates are available on request. Prices listed include VAT.

Cat or dog £39.50
Rabbit £23.00
Small mammal or bird £18.25
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Kitten course (including leukaemia) £80.00
Kitten course (without leukaemia) £53.00
Cat booster (including leukaemia) £50.00
Cat booster (leukaemia only) £46.00
Cat booster (without leukaemia) £33.50
Puppy course £74.00
Dog booster £47.00
Dog booster (leptospirosis only) £42.25
Rabbit myxomatosis + RHD1 + RHD2 £54.00
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Cat (male) £52.99
Cat (female) £90.00
Dog (male) £135.50 - 260.00
Dog (female) £214.00 - 347.00
Dog (female - laparoscopic) £459.00 - 586.00
Rabbit (male) £66.00
Rabbit (female) £104.00
Guinea pig (male) £66.00
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Please note that, even with routine procedures, some additional costs may be incurred, for example where there is the need for additional sedation or pain relief. Wherever possible you will be informed of this in advance. Estimated costs of other treatments can be obtained during consultation with the veterinary staff at the clinic. Please feel free to ask about fees in advance if you have any concerns about costs.

The following methods of payment are accepted: cash, personal cheque, credit/debit card (Access, Delta, Maestro, Mastercard, Switch, Solo, Visa). To keep costs down, we ask for payment at the time of treatment.
Thank you so much for being so kind, caring and compassionate on Sunday when we brought Baz in to see you...Everyone at Dacre House has always been helpful and provided excellent service.
Thank you so much for seeing and diagnosing Byron...particularly your kind treatment of both Byron and myself, and your excellent and thorough explanation of both condition and treatment.
Thank you so very much for all the expert treatment, wonderful care and kindness Bobby received during his recent illness. Without your knowledge and skills I have no doubt he would not be with us now. Thank you, also, for making me feel so welcome during my visits while he needed to stay with you. You are a truly wonderful team.
...a big thank you to all of the staff who helped Silver, the cat who was run over. We helped the lady to bring him in, and you were all fab. We know you did everything you could to save him. Thanks also for humouring us when we called for updates.
Thank you for all your care and support over the last few weeks with our fiesty little beastie!